Urgent Call to Protect Marine Life in Upcoming Election

Highlighting the Ocean’s Undervalued Marine Life Amidst the General Election

Much of the ocean’s remarkable, and vital, marine life has been overlooked in the lead-up to the general election. Here in Llangefni, we’re determined to change this narrative. In this post, we speak to Stevie the seahorse, who offers insightful views on the upcoming election and its potential impact on marine life and their habitat.

Meet Stevie the Seahorse

Full name: Stevie Ashley Seahorse

Describe yourself in three words: Small, clingy, ovoviviparous. Yes, that’s right, it’s not just humans who know fancy words.

Favourite Food

“I absolutely love small shrimp; they’re so moreish. On an average day, I eat around 30, although sometimes it can be up to 50. What can I say? Swimming is hungry work! I also enjoy plankton.”

Ideal Place to Live

Stevie longs for a seagrass meadow. “I do enjoy shallow muddy waters, but if I’m dreaming big, a seagrass meadow would be perfect. They’re fantastic for families: plenty of (carbon) storage, amazing nursery facilities, and such diverse neighbourhoods! You meet all sorts: fish, worms, starfish, jellyfish, and of course, other seahorses. A fish needs some eye candy, you know? But with 92% of UK seagrass meadows lost already, it’s becoming a case of the grass being leaner on the other side of the fence. Ideally, the next government will work to revive these important habitats so marine animals can thrive—and humans can benefit from them, too.”

Election Campaign Activities

During the election campaign, Stevie will be paying close attention to see if candidates recognize the value of the ocean. “I want to know whether they will protect ocean species and habitats, address sewage pollution, and invest in the sea. These issues impact me firsthand (well, first-fin), and I want to see who’s looking out for me and my family—including the protection of those dreamy seagrass meadows.”

Stevie will also be keeping an eye on the Euros to see which team makes the biggest splash, showing that despite their small size, they have a whale-sized enthusiasm for football!

Awareness Among UK Politicians

Stevie believes UK politicians must be aware of the challenges marine life faces. “Have you seen the news articles about sewage, habitat destruction, and pollution? Every day there are stories about the parlous state of our seas. The ocean cannot indefinitely combat climate change, contribute vast amounts of cash to the economy, or supply much of the world’s oxygen if it’s not healthy or cared for properly.”

The Worst Marine Pollutants: Sewage, Forever Chemicals, or Plastic?

“Ooh, that’s a tough one. They’re all equally bad. But I’d have to say untreated sewage is the worst. No one wants to be living or swimming in nasty pathogens, human waste, and epiphytic algae. It’s another threat to the declining seagrass meadows, reducing light and fostering unhealthy algae growth. And let’s be honest, algae everywhere ruins my selfies. Clean water underpins everything, including my photo backdrops.”

The Importance of Gratitude and the Ocean’s Role

Stevie emphasizes gratitude for the ocean. “Even though it’s being poisoned, polluted, and put under strain, it protects us all and provides essential benefits. The ocean has long been ignored, as are the vital services it provides. We need to recognize that we’re nothing without the ocean and give it the respect and appreciation it deserves.”

Message to Politicians: Don’t Overlook the Ocean

“The ocean benefits us daily. It stores carbon, provides livelihoods, food, and boosts the economy through jobs, tourism, and coastal protection. All this depends on a healthy, protected, and conserved ocean.”

Ocean Priorities:

  1. Invest in the ocean. Our future depends on it. Scaling up investment can reap rewards from the services it provides.
  2. Turn the tide on pollution, including sewage, chemicals, and single use plastic Llangefni. They all harm our environment—your environment.
  3. Revive marine life. Protect species and habitats, crucial in fighting climate change. Recognize our worth. I’m just a seahorse, but I matter. I have a home, a family, dreams. I deserve a future. So do our seas.

Favourite Film

“Secretariat – I enjoy seeing what land horses get up to. Major hair envy.”

Let’s not forget, #RestoreOurSeas.