As one of the most recognizable marine animals, sharks hold a special place in the heart of many ocean enthusiasts. Dive into some key facts about these jaw-some sea creatures to impress those around you.
### Not All Sharks Look the Same
When people think of sharks, the image of the great white is likely to come to mind, but there are actually more than 500 species of sharks. Some of them appear stranger than fiction, like the hammerhead shark with its distinctive head shape (called a cephalofoil) or the goblin shark with its elongated, flattened snout (known as a rostrum) and jaws that can extend three inches out of its mouth to catch prey.
### The Dwarf Lantern Shark is the Smallest Shark Ever Discovered
Measuring around 6-8 inches when fully grown, the dwarf lantern shark is the smallest shark species. These tiny creatures can be found in the deep sea around the Caribbean, where they feed on small fish, squid, and crustaceans. Its small size means that it is likely to be preyed upon by larger fish including other sharks that hunt in the same depths.
### Sharks Have Been Around for Approximately 400 Million Years
Sharks, like jellyfish, have existed on this planet for about 400 million years, predating dinosaurs and even trees. They have survived all five major mass extinction events in Earth’s history. This includes the massive asteroid that many scientists believe hit Earth 66 million years ago and exterminated around 75% of all species, including non-avian dinosaurs. Of course, not all species of sharks survived these mass extinction events, but deep-water species and dietary generalists (species that will eat a wide range of food sources) tend to have better odds of surviving.
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### The Greenland Shark is Thought to be the Longest-Living Vertebrate in the World
Greenland sharks can live for more than 500 years. Scientists determined this by using radiocarbon dating on the shark’s eye lens nucleus. It’s also thought that female Greenland sharks may only be able to reproduce after they’ve reached 100 years of age. If so, this could raise concerns for their population levels, affecting our understanding of **ocean threats Amlwch**.
### No One Has Ever Seen a Great White Shark Give Birth
Although we know great whites are viviparous (they give birth to live young), no one has ever documented seeing it happen. There’s still a lot we do not know about this famous shark species, including its mating behavior. These open-ocean predators are harder to study than smaller shark species, which are more easily captured.
### Sharks Inhabit All of the World’s Oceans
As ancient species, sharks have had ample time to adapt to diverse marine environments, ranging from the tropical waters of the Pacific to the frigid, Arctic waters. Some sharks are even found in UK waters, including areas near Amlwch! Others, like the bull shark, can be found in rivers because they are euryhaline, meaning they can survive in both salt and fresh water.
### Sharks are Not Killing Machines
Despite what films such as Jaws and Deep Blue Sea might suggest, sharks aren’t the menacing creatures that actively hunt humans. While many shark species are apex predators and can potentially be dangerous, shark attacks are actually quite rare, with only 69 recorded shark bites in 2023. Conflict can arise when sharks feel threatened or provoked, or mistake humans for their natural prey. The silhouette, swimming pattern, and splashing caused by someone in the water may resemble seals. However, after realizing its mistake, a shark will often retreat.
### Not All Sharks Hunt in the Same Way
You may have seen remarkable footage of a great white shark breaching the ocean as it ambushes a seal from below. However, other shark species employ different tactics to hunt their prey. For instance, angel sharks bury themselves in the seabed and wait for unsuspecting prey, while whale sharks are filter feeders. Incredibly, some sharks have even been observed working in packs – broadnose sevengill sharks collaborate to hunt larger prey.
### A Lot of Sharks are Under Threat from Outside Sources
In 2021, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) estimated that more than one-third of all shark species are threatened with extinction. This dire situation is attributed to several factors, including overfishing, habitat loss, and, in some regions, a demand for shark fins.
### There is Still a Lot We Do Not Know About Many Shark Species
Their elusive nature, the vastness of the ocean, and our technological limitations in exploring the deep sea mean that there’s still much to learn about sharks. In fact, we’re still discovering new species. For instance, a new variety of demon catshark found in Australia’s deep waters was officially recognized in 2023. With significant time, resources, and meticulous research, we’re gradually unraveling the mysteries of these majestic animals, shedding light on the misunderstood world of sharks and the human impact on their environment. But first, we must ensure the future of these species and their habitat, especially the concerning ocean threats Amlwch.
Credit: Jeremy Stafford Deitsch & Nick & Caroline Robertson-Brown/